/ OpenFlows™ Water

OpenFlows™ Water

OpenFlows 소프트웨어 로고 흰색

OpenFlows™ Water

Plan, Design, and Optimize Water Distribution Systems Quickly and Easily

수자원 분배 시스템 모델링 및 관리

OpenFlows Water is a user-friendly hydraulic modeling application trusted by thousands of engineers every day to understand their water distribution systems and make better decisions.

From planning, designing, and building sustainable water systems, to solving everyday challenges in operations and maintenance of your system, OpenFlows Water is the application of choice for superior interoperability and flexibility. 

Why OpenFlows Water?

Optimize System Performance

  • Understand system hydraulic behavior and performance
  • Build, calibrate, and manage models quickly and easily
  • Predict and solve network system problems
  • Perform and track multiple scenarios
블랙 아이콘 손 들고 엔지니어링 장비

Improve Operational Strategies

  • Analyze and improve water quality
  • Identify water loss locations and reduce non-revenue water
  • Improve pump modeling and reduce energy expenses
  • Improve emergency response

Intelligent Decision-making

  • Mitigate risk of catastrophic water events
  • Assess and meet fire flow reliability requirements
  • Predict and meet population demands
  • Design cost-effective system expansions and rehabilitation strategies

*가격은 지역에 따라 다릅니다. 더 많은 옵션은 라이선싱 및 구독 섹션을 참조하십시오.

What Is OpenFlows Water?

  • 시나리오 관리
  • A laptop screen displaying GIS software with a detailed map and various analytical tools and data layers panel.

    시나리오 관리

    Perform multiple hydraulic model scenarios using alternative data sets to simulate the system under a variety of what-if conditions. Analyze pipe and valve criticality to determine the weakest links in your water distribution system.
  • Transient Simulation
  • Laptop displaying geographic information system software with various data visualizations, maps, and charts.

    Transient Simulation and Analysis

    Use water hammer and hydraulic analysis software to efficiently identify, manage, and mitigate the risks associated with transients.
  • Hydraulic Modeling
  • A laptop screen displaying complex software interface with maps, charts, and various data analysis tools. The background features a detailed map with colorful lines and nodes.

    Hydraulic Modeling

    Build your hydraulic model quickly, synchronizing network data from standard formats that include GIS and CAD files, databases, and spreadsheets. Be compatible with various data formats and sources.

  • Model Calibration
  • Laptop screen displaying a scientific software interface with data tables, a line graph, and a map.

    Model Calibration

    Apply AI-powered automated calibration using Darwin® Calibrator and ensure your model is calibrated and accurate in any condition—including peak days, component failures, fire flows, and future demands—by eliminating discrepancies between the model and field data.

  • Design Optimization
  • A laptop screen displaying network analysis software with charts, graphs, and data tables.

    Design Optimization

    Use Darwin Designer to automatically determine maximum pressure benefits, minimum cost designs, and rehabilitation strategies based on available budget, construction cost, and pressure and velocity constraints.

A laptop screen displaying GIS software with a detailed map and various analytical tools and data layers panel.

시나리오 관리

Perform multiple hydraulic model scenarios using alternative data sets to simulate the system under a variety of what-if conditions. Analyze pipe and valve criticality to determine the weakest links in your water distribution system.
Laptop displaying geographic information system software with various data visualizations, maps, and charts.

Transient Simulation and Analysis

Use water hammer and hydraulic analysis software to efficiently identify, manage, and mitigate the risks associated with transients.

A laptop screen displaying complex software interface with maps, charts, and various data analysis tools. The background features a detailed map with colorful lines and nodes.

Hydraulic Modeling

Build your hydraulic model quickly, synchronizing network data from standard formats that include GIS and CAD files, databases, and spreadsheets. Be compatible with various data formats and sources.


Laptop screen displaying a scientific software interface with data tables, a line graph, and a map.

Model Calibration

Apply AI-powered automated calibration using Darwin® Calibrator and ensure your model is calibrated and accurate in any condition—including peak days, component failures, fire flows, and future demands—by eliminating discrepancies between the model and field data.

A laptop screen displaying network analysis software with charts, graphs, and data tables.

Design Optimization

Use Darwin Designer to automatically determine maximum pressure benefits, minimum cost designs, and rehabilitation strategies based on available budget, construction cost, and pressure and velocity constraints.

OpenFlows 소프트웨어 로고

Watch and learn

OpenFlows Water can help engineers, plan, design and analyze water systems.

주요 사용자 사례

Maintain an affordable water supply.

Sustainable Water Management


icon graphic rolled up newspaper



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교육과 함께 제공되는 소프트웨어를 빠르게 이용해 보십시오. 벤틀리의 온라인 스토어인 Virtuosity에서는 벤틀리 소프트웨어의 12개월 라이선스를 저렴한 초기 비용으로 편리하게 임대할 수 있습니다. Virtuosity를 통한 모든 온라인 구매는 교육과 자동 갱신이 포함된 Virtuoso 구독으로 제공됩니다.

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SELECT로 영구 라이선스 이용

벤틀리 소프트웨어의 영구 라이선스는 일회성 구매로 제공되며, SELECT라 불리는 연간 유지관리 구독이 포함되어 있습니다. 여기에는 연중무휴 기술 지원, 학습 리소스, 1년에 한 번 다른 소프트웨어의 라이선스와 교환할 수 있는 기능이 포함됩니다. SELECT를 통해 다음과 같은 혜택을 누릴 수 있습니다.

  • 라이선스 풀링, 여러 컴퓨터에서 소프트웨어를 활용할 수 있습니다.
  • 영구 라이선스를 선불로 구매할 필요 없이 사용한 만큼만 비용을 지불하는 기간제 라이선스를 통해 벤틀리의 추가 소프트웨어에 액세스 할 수 있습니다.

연간 갱신 견적은 귀하의 이메일 주소로 직접 발송됩니다. 또한 경험이 풍부한 벤틀리의 갱신 담당자가 귀하의 문의 사항에 답변을 드리고 변경하고자 하는 부분을 안내해 드릴 수 있습니다.


기업 조직

저희가 도와 드리겠습니다

심도 깊은 요구사항을 가진 대규모 조직의 경우, 광범위한 솔루션 포트폴리오와 성공 계획 서비스와 글로벌 가격 책정을 이용할 수 있는 플랜을 제공합니다. 조직이 고유한 요구사항을 처리하면서 잠재력을 최대한 실현할 수 있도록 소프트웨어, 전 세계 모범 사례, 구현 서비스, 교육, 기술 지원 등을 활용할 수 있는 방법에 관해 문의해 보십시오.


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